Dell Latitude 5414 Casing and External Parts
Here is our catalog of replacement casing components for the 5414 Latitude. These parts are original manufacturing parts (OEM) since our inventory of parts comes from used units. These parts include replacement carry handles, port covers, bezels, and more.
Where Do These Parts Come From?
When we order a batch of computers, there is no guarantee that all the devices will be in good enough condition for our website. The units that fall short end up supplying parts for those missing pieces or needing components fixed.
This inventory process allows us to obtain a diverse collection of external OEM parts for 5414s. When we build enough of an inventory of parts units, we list the individual parts for sale.
Let Us Help!
We are here to assist you if you own a rugged Dell 5414 and need help finding a specific replacement part. Our tech support form is available for you to use, and our skilled technicians will help you source the necessary resources. If you prefer to speak to someone directly, you can call our office at 302-659-2727 to get answers to any questions you may have.